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2024-09-15 15:03

Taudi Conserve

Fish preserves, Save vegetables,

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of <div>Discover Tuna Fishing in Sicily: Tradi

Tuna Fishing in Sicily: Tradition and Sustainability Tuna fishing in Sicily is an ancient tradition rooted in the history of the

Artigiani siciliani al lavoro durante il confezionamento a mano delle conserve in una cucina tradizionale.

History of Tuna Fishing in Sicily

La Sicilia è nota per la produzione di pomodori dal gusto intenso e dalla consistenza morbida, grazie alla presenza di una forte luce solare e di un clima caldo e ventilato. I pomodori di Sicilia sono utilizzati in molte ricette della cucina mediterranea e sono riconosciuti come i migliori d'Italia. La passata di pomodoro di Sicilia, realizzata solo con questi pomodori, ne esalta il sapore e ne mantiene intatte le proprietà nutritive.

Conserve d'autore: una proposta di Taudì

Tuna fishing in Sicily has ancient origins, dating back to the Phoenicians and Greeks, who were among the first to exploit the riches of the Mediterranean Sea. This tradition was then consolidated under Arab rule, which introduced advanced fishing and preservation techniques. The "tonnare," structures dedicated to tuna fishing, were widespread along the Sicilian coasts and represented true centers of social and economic life.


Over the centuries, tuna fishing has remained a constant in Sicilian culture, a symbol of a deep relationship between man and the sea. Today, this practice is celebrated with festivals and events that attract visitors from around the world, eager to discover and taste the island's culinary traditions.

Artigiani siciliani al lavoro durante il confezionamento a mano delle conserve in una cucina tradizionale.

Traditional Fishing Techniques

Tuna fishing in Sicily mainly takes place through two traditional techniques: "mattanza" and fixed net fishing.


Mattanza: Mattanza is an ancient technique that involves the use of large nets called "tonnare," placed in the sea to intercept tuna schools during their migration. Fishermen drive the tuna towards a closed area where they are captured. This practice, although fascinating for its ritual, is now less common due to environmental concerns and the decline in tuna stocks.


Fixed Nets: Fixed nets, or "muciare," are anchored to the seabed and form a barrier that directs the tuna towards a final compartment where they are caught. This technique is considered more sustainable than mattanza and is still used in some areas of the island.

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